EcoLinking #9 by Don Rittner The Green Disk More than 200 million trees are cut down each year to produce paper! Much of that paper is used for environmental communications -- newspapers, magazines, letters, books, etc. Those of us using Cyberspace also have access to much of the same material BUT the medium is paperless -- its electronic, and we can store 200,000 pages of text on a single plastic disk! It certainly makes sense to get our information electronically but not everyone has access to online services. A wildlife biologist has come up with a great alternative to distribute environmental information -- on disk! Every two months, subscribers can receive The Green Disk Paperless Environmental Journal!!! (Mac or PC) by mail, or if they have access to America Online, EcoNet, or Internet (FTP server) can receive it in their electronic mailbox. Each disk contains the equivalent of hundreds of pages of well-organized and timely information in text format. Each disk covers specific environmental issues. Additionally, you will find research reports, press releases, action alerts, and news summaries from the world's environmental groups and governmental agencies including such groups as Defenders of Wildlife, Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Public Citizen, Rainforest Action Network, Wildlife Fund, Worldwatch Institute, and others. There are regular features as well: o The Smithsonian Biological Conservation Newsletter -- a useful bibliography of current conservation literature. o The Sierra Club National News Report o The Environmental Computing Digest o An index of current environmental newsletters, magazines and journals. o Listings of recent environmental publications plus ordering information. o A comprehensive environmental calendar. o A listing of recent environmental education resources and projects. o Employment and internship listings. o A periodically updated database of over 300 organizations. o The complete text of selected newsletters and reports on a wide range of topics. William Sugg, a student-teacher in the Environmental Science and Policy MS program at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia saw the need for such a journal while a student and created the disk based service. He is assisted by Andre Carothers, Greenpeace board member, Heather Spalding, Editor, Toxic Trade Update and John E. Young, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute. Subscriptions are yearly at $45 /$US 50 International in US bank check ($35 Internet anywhere) . Or call 1-800-484-7616 (you must enter security code D-I-S-K or 3475) for info, or write The GreenDisk, PO Box 32224, Washington, DC 20007 (or email for a free brochure. Back issues of The GreenDisk are available for $5 each. You can receive Volume 1#5 (North American Wilderness Recovery Strategy) of The GreenDisk for review for free. It can be downloaded from the America Online Environmental Forum or from EcoNet. By using the (300 page+ equivalent) disk based journal you can create a large searchable database of good environmental information that doesn't take up rows and rows of shelf space.