MNS Online Application
Is Your User Group a Member of the MUG News Service ?
One of the most difficult tasks for a user group (editor) is producing a
quality monthly newsletter for its membership. But, if your group is a
member of the MUG News Service (MNS), producing a quality newsletter is easy!
MNS is an AP-like news service that produces a disk full of articles,
reviews, tutorials, clip- art, news and other information and mails it to
participating user groups (with more than 500,000 members worldwide). MNS
provides online access to information as well. Founded by Don Rittner,
publisher of The MESH - Inside Cyberspace, and leader of his own user group
in Albany, New York (Macintosh Enthusiasts Club of the Capital Area (MECCA)),
and columnist and author, MNS solicits the support of third party companies
to pay for the service so you get the services for FREE.
To participate in the service, the user group editor agrees to place a 1/4
page ad (supplied by the sponsoring company) in his/her newsletter; agrees to
leave the attribution at the end of each article; agrees to mail MNS a copy
of the group's newsletter each month; and agrees to place a MNS membership
logo somewhere in the newsletter. All these requirements are harmless, but
you get articles, clip-art, tutorials, reviews, columns, and more to print in
your newsletter. PLUS, most of the sponsoring companies offer your
membership substantial discounts on their products. PLUS, many companies
actually include demo copies of their software, or even send actual products
for you and members or your group.
Who have sponsored MNS in the past? Companies such as: ACIUS, Advanced
Software, Apple, America Online, Berkeley System Design, CE Software,
Eastman Kodak, Farallon, Informix, Microsoft, Symantec, and hundreds more.
The MNS WEB Site
To support the user group community further, MNS has created this WWW Site so
that member user groups can obtain reviews, articles, discounts, software,
Disks of the Month, and news about their favorite computer via the Internet.
Our sponsors will also provide discounts here for your members.
Does your user group have a Home Page? We will create one for you for a
nominal fee, and link it here with hundreds of others. If you already have a
Home Page, send us your URL so we can link it. Future enhancements of this
site will include a live chat room and other cool Internet tools.
What some User Group Leaders Say About MNS!
"I am associated with the newsletter for our Mac User Group here in Tokyo. We
have been a member of MUG News Service for the last couple years and it has
been a big help by providing timely information and articles for our
publication. The wide variety of information and the interesting articles are
extremely valuable for preparing the newsletter. I would not want to try it
now without MUG News Service's disk.
Our newsletter continuously gets compliments and is considered by many to be
the best user group newsletter in Japan. MUG News Service deserves credit in
The mailings from various vendors and MUG News Service sponsors are also very
welcome. There are many offers aimed directly at user groups and we feel that
we are providing a valuable service to our membership by passing this
information along. "
- Glenn Barbee, Editor and Sysop, Ringo MUG, Tokyo, Japan
"Is MNS useful to me? yes, Yes, YEs, YES, !YES! allows our group which
is very small to have access to things that we would not have, and that is a
great help. Also, we get to see things that would not normally be
-Ralph Wasmer, Great Inland Sea Computer User Group, Yates Center, KS
"Your MNS disk is very helpful in providing useful information to include in
our newsletter, MacVIEWS-a monthly publication of ProMUG of Indiana. I review
every disk that I receive for potential articles and vendor product
information. Please continue the good work. "
-Bernie Burgette, Editor.
"The MNS disks are not so much useful as they are essential. Without MNS, our
newsletter would be little more than an announcement of next month's meeting
and a sprinkling of tidbits I've managed to pull together. MNS makes it
possible for me to publish a more interesting newsletter."
-Deanna Lewis, editor, Mac-In-Talk, Winthrop Olde English Macintosh Users'
Group Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
"I am the past editor of our MUG newsletter. I found your disks an invaluable
aide in preparing an informative and educational newsletter. Without MNS our
newsletter would have been a much poorer publication. "
-Rich Sagall , President, MacBang, Maine
"Thunder Enlightning is a small newsletter from a small MUG that caught the
attention of some BIG names in the Mac world. Phillip C Russell recommends us
as reading material up there with Savanna and San Diego. We could not even
print without the invaluable material from the Mug Newsletter Service. "
-DMHENDER, Thunder Bay MUG, Canada
"We at the Missoula Macintosh User's Group in Missoula Montana treasure the
MNS floppy disk when it comes. We have historically used much of the
material in our newsletter."
-Michael Fussell, Missoula MT
"The MNS Mailings are important to us. As a volunteer organization, we don't
always have the time to write articles for our newsletter; and members are
reluctant to submit any for fear they may seem 'stupid' or uninformed. The
MNS helps us to educate and inform our User Group members via our newsletter.
"I want my MNS!"
-Michael L. Hale, President, Grand Rapids Apple Macintosh Users Group, Grand
Rapids, Michigan
"Do the MNS Mailings help? xIs the Mac a graphical interface. .... monthly
mailings are like waiting for the morning paper and packed with the same
informative information. "
-Bruce Nemecek , Mac-a-Gram, Ohio
"RockMUG uses the clear concise information on the MNS disks to keep our
members informed of the latest programs and greatest offers. RockMUG needs
MNS and its articles to keep our members up-to-date. Our members appreciate
and utilize the material in the monthly offerings."
-Stephen Wulfson, VP, Rockland MUG, Monsey, NY
"I look forward to the MNS red disk. It comes jam packed with enough
information that takes me about an hour to pore through. This is a great
(FREE) service, and I certainly don't mind helping to spread the word about
the sponsor.
Something for nothing... who said there's no free lunch?"
-Dick Peller, President, Northfield Mount Hermon Macintosh Users' Group
MUG News
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Last updated: June 21, 1995
These Pages Brought to you Courtesy of The Global One and CA Natalie Associates- all rights reserved. Content (c) The MESH